Selected Nuclear Materials and Engineering Systems, najdroższa książka dostępna w księgarni Amazon, mogłaby się okazać przydatna dość wąskiemu kręgowi czytelników, chociaż ostatnio sporo mamy domorosłych ekspertów od elektrowni atomowych, zazwyczaj niedawno przekwalifikowanych, uprzednich znawców zagadnień bezpieczeństwa lotniczego. Wydaje się zresztą, że wszystkie pozycje tego wydawnictwa są bezcennymi bestsellerami, o czym niech świadczy jeszcze ten przykładowy tytuł z dziedziny energetyki jądrowej.
Cena książki w wersji elektronicznej nie odbiega znacząco od książki w twardej oprawie, używane egzemplarze także schodzą po kilka tysięcy dolarów, w pozycji tej musi więc być coś prawdziwie magicznego.
Rąbka tajemnicy uchylają rozbawieni ceną książki komentatorzy – dowcipnisie, którzy na stronie tytułu wypisują na jego cześć entuzjastyczne peany. Warto je sobie poczytać, zwłaszcza jeśli przygotowujemy się do matury rozszerzonej z języka angielskiego i bierzemy pod uwagę pisanie recenzji. Czytając te komentarze połączymy przyjemne z pożytecznym.
I had to sell my car and take out an equity loan on my house to buy this book, but it was worth every penny. The previous volumes built to almost unbearable tension, leaving many questions unanswered. Would breeder reactors survive competition from newer technology? Would the nuclear waste problem be solved in our lifetime? Would Iran’s nuclear program be stopped before it could endanger the free world? Could Diablo Canyon ever be made safe from earthquakes? Would the beautiful but annoying anti-nuclear activist (played by Jane Fonda in the TV miniseries adaptation) come around to seeing the joys and wonders of nuclear power?
These questions and many others are resolved in a denouement that is both ingenious and satisfying. I won’t give away the ending, but I can say with assurance that you won’t be disappointed. Highly recommended!
Oh I’ve already read that book, and I thought it was just okay. The ternary system plot was a bit silly and far fetched to me, but I’m not really into trashy romances, either. I guess this is what one should expect when dealing with „International” Materials Science Team, ha! I mean honestly, their presentation on rystallographic and thermodynamic data at last year’s conference in Seattle was laughable. Remember when Abu made that invariant equilibria flub during his lecture?? Um … embarrassing! Just goes to show what an online degree from MIT will get you these days. Anyway, I’m selling my used copy on eBay for only $5,000 because I don’t want anyone else to be ripped off like I was. It’s definitely not worth the $7k asking price because of the pseudobinary system chapter alone.
I bought the hard cover. I know, it’s kind of expensive but it was worth every penny that I took out of my 401k and early withdraw penalties to get it. I suffer from insomnia and have an extremely difficult time getting to sleep at night. Now I finally found something that helps me to fall asleep at night without the potentially harmful effects of sleeping pills. I just keep it by my bedside and when I retire for the evening I pick up the book and start reading while in bed. It only takes a few seconds and Poof, I’m out! I even bought a little reading light from Amazon that I attach to the book so I can read it without disturbing my wife. I considered sedatives and Propofol to help me with my condition, as it did for MJ, but owning this book would cost me less money in the long run. What a great find! I highly recommend it for anyone of all ages.
I’m so disappointed in this book. The first few pages were promising, but it quickly became clear that the plot had been lifted directly from „The 2009-2014 World Outlook for Anti-Neoplastic Radioactive Isotopes for Internal Pharmaceutical Use” by Icon Group. Sure there were some new characters, and settings, but the storyline was almost unchanged.
The only part that makes it almost worthwhile is the overly-complex subplot that the Materials Science International Team MSIT managed to work in with the rare earth elements and the Farnsworth fusor. Almost, but the Materials Science International Team MSIT simply doesn’t have the beautiful prose and grasp of suspense that Icon Group displays in every book.
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